
Survival Gear Checklist

This shop is an online checklist with suggested items for achieving Resilience. We hope that as you have time and resources to spend that you go through this list and gradually increase your ability to survive and protect your family.

If you have none of the suggested items on the list then get at least one of everything, if you can. If you already have some of the items and just need to fill in the blanks of your preparedness kits then we strongly encourage you to get what you need as soon as you can. 

We do not go through every suggested item in each set in our videos. Refer to the list in each category to discover what we recommend you fill your survival kits with.

Please subscribe to our You Tube channel to support us and get more training and tips as they are posted.

Procrastination has never been the key to success.

Plan & Budget


Some people have cash to burn and many have little to spare. Survival is important, but so is peace in the home. Talk with your family, make a plan and set a budget.

Nano Silver

Nano-Silver Solution

You should have a bottle of nano silver in each segment of your survival gear because the battle against bacteria and viruses is the one you cannot lose.

Car Bag

Car bag image

Keep one of these get home bags in each of your vehicles. Your family wants you home ASAP. Don’t get caught walking home without one.

Car Box

Car box image

You may need to stay with your car for awhile. Keep one of these boxes in each of your vehicles for all emergency situations.

Bug Out Bag

Bug out bag image

A bag filled with survival items to get you out of town in a hurry and sustain you for up to two weeks.

Alpha Bag

Alpha Bag

A more advanced bug out bag optimizing access to vital items and weight distribution.


Medical red cross image

You are your family’s first responder. If the disaster is big enough no one is coming.

Water Purification


A human can only live 3 days without water. Much less if you drink bad water.

Food Storage

Food Storage image

Humans can live for 3 weeks without food, but as starvation sets in your brain fogs and body weakens exponentially.

Food Prep

food prep icon

Without working kitchen, cooking food becomes much more laborious.

Waste & Hygiene

Hygiene image

When the power goes out your toilet won’t refill and your showers won’t work. Rashes lead to infection. Sewage leads to disease and cleanliness will become very difficult to achieve daily.


security image

Ok now you have it. Can you protect it? We advocate to work together after a disaster, but desperation always leads to violence and theft.

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Gardening image

No one can store enough food to last a lifetime. You must learn how to multiply and store what nature has to offer.

Construction & Home Repair

Construction image

After a disaster, contractors will not be a phone call away. Your house is your best bet to survive the elements. So patch, rebuild, and fortify.

Nuclear & Biohazard

Biohazard image

Can you survive what you cannot see? Yes and no. All you can do is increase your odds.

Alternative Energy & Communication

Solar panel

In the land of darkness the man with light is king.

Aquaponics and Chickens

aquaponic image

Aquaponics is an efficient system that utilizes fish water to fertilize vegetables.

Chickens and their eggs are a great way to produce protein.

Hunting & Pest Control

Pest control image

Some critters you will want to eat and some will eat what you have stored.

Gold & Silver

gold image

Every economy on the planet sees gold and silver as real money.


Miscellaneous image

Many items you may not have thought of.


Books image

Ah! My phone doesn’t work! … Books


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