You should have a bottle of nano silver sol in each segment of your survival gear because the battle against bacteria and viruses is the one you cannot lose. Take it daily now to help in avoiding colds, viruses and other sickness causing pathogens.
“Advanced Immune Support of Tomorrow for Resilient Living Today.”
Nano silver Solution is a liquid supplement that fights bacteria and viruses. It can be safely ingested, inhaled, applied to open wounds, dropped in the eye, taken daily and used for water purification.
Nano Silver Solution – Products and Bundles
Just a few testimonials from satisfied customers

- Boosts immune system
- Kills bacteria, viruses, fungi
- Patented, independently studied, satisfaction guaranteed
- Safe to ingest, inhale, put on eyes and open wounds, and for infants
- Purifies water
- Silver Sol is proven to kill 650 types of known bacteria, Antibiotics kill only about 24
Recommended Usage:
- When taking daily dosage- Swish in mouth for up to three minutes- Swallow
- Keep a bottle in your car or purse and take when exposed to public germs
- Use spray nozzle to apply to wounds, eye dropper for eyes and ears, humidifier to breath
- Use diffuser or compressor to inhale for lung issues.
- Improves heal time for: Colds, Flu, Food poisoning, Malaria, Strep throat, Pink eye, Ear infections and many other ailments
Water purification:
- Step 1: Pre-filter to remove all large particles- Chlorine removal filter recommended
- Step 2: If drinking water soon after – add 1oz for 1 gallon of water- shake or stir- wait 15 min
- Step 3: For long term storage one 8 oz bottle will treat 50 gallons
- Step 4: If chlorinated allow water to vent for 24-48 hours
*For absolute best water purification and storage: filter water, boil water, allow to cool, treat with nano-silver and recycle water every two years.
Back Label
Silver has been used for thousands of years for its beneficial immune system effects. Ancient Phoenicians stored their drinking liquids in silver vessels to help deter spoilage. Pioneers put silver coins in their milk jugs to keep milk drinkable as they crossed the plains. World War I battle medics applied silver leaf to wounded soldiers. And today, the Swiss Army uses silver to help purify their water. Silver is even used in NASA clothing and on the space station.
Learn more about the history and science of silver in this 7 min video
Suggested items to administer your liquid silver sol
Eye Dropper
Compressor Humidifier
Advanced silver sol research documents
Water Purification Test
Get Your Stockpile Today!
Nano Silver Solution is FDA compliant. No refunds will be given on opened RL brands products. The Nano Silver bottle label does proclaim a 3 year shelf life to comply with fda regulations but it will last longer if stored properly. Also due to the nature of the permanent bond of Ag4O4 the structure will not break apart and become ineffective as far as research has shown us. We recommend cycling through as you use it up and replace it. After storing a one year case then use the oldest first for daily use. We also cannot legally claim to cure anything or prevent you from dying in any disaster, but we will do our very best to try.
Now that you have your immune system protected, make sure you can walk home from work after disaster strikes. Car Bag >>