How Nano-Silver kills viruses

As you all know there’s been a lot of talk and fear about the quick spreading measles virus. I’d like to share some interesting information about silver, specifically nano silver solution, and how it combats viruses and bacteria. It’s relevant and could make a big difference for you and your family.

Silver creates an environment that is inhospitable to germs. They simply can’t reproduce or survive. Now there is a way to get that protection into your blood and through out your body. Nano silver sol is the next generation technology taking the place of colloidal silver. The molecular structure is AG4O4 which is a permanently bonded structure with a resonant frequency similar to ultraviolet light. This allows it to steal electrons from viruses and bacteria as it goes through your system. This leaves the virus dead and then you body flushes the virus and silver out. Nano silver doesn’t hurt good bacteria due to the thickness of the cell walls of stomach bacteria. Suggested use is to ingest daily and diffuse while you sleep to give your body a fighting chance to stop the virus before it sets in or at least reduce recovery time.

Visit my website main page to watch a 7min video that could save your life.