Do this Now! – Corona Virus effects more than lungs.

I would like to let those who care about their families know what to do next. With China’s economy about to collapse due to the corona virus shutting down their import and exports we can be sure to see things change. China makes a huge amount of our products and supplies many American companies with components. Whether it be bottles or boxes or raw materials, China is integral for America’s economy to run like it has for the last few decades.

Everything is about to get a lot more expensive. Supply and demand will no longer have an equilibrium. Things like toilet paper rationing and food shortage purchase limits will be in our future.  

I highly recommend that you go to the store and buy all the things you would rather not pay double for. Or ten times the amount. Razors, soap, food and anything else made, or affected by the “made in china” labels we often find on the back of boxes.

This is not a joke. This is not a test. This is real. Real people are dieing and real supplies of clean water and basic needs may become worth more than your 401k.

Please go to this website and do everything suggested to you. If you Do, you will have a chance to survive for months or years longer than everyone else. If you don’t…


Winter is Coming…

By David Stark

Resilient Living

            I love internal house heating systems, hot chocolate and rainy day holiday parties. With electricity relatively inexpensive and available we have lived through many winters with ease and comfort. But what if that power went away for weeks or for a whole winter? How would you keep warm?

            For thousands of years humanity has spent the majority of their warm season preparing for long cold winters. Storing food, gathering wood and doing what they needed to sustain them until spring. Now we think nothing of it. Many get excited about wearing their fashionable sweaters and Christmas cheer, but you wont feel cheerful if you are hungry and frost bite is actually nipping at your nose. Instead of joy you have fear.

            If the power is off then most likely grocery stores aren’t being restocked and if the last snow-mageddon in Oregon taught us anything, it did show us that most people have no stored food and will rush to costco in a frantic, stripping the shelves in a day.

So what can you do?

You may not be able to install full solar power grid to keep your furnace running or even a wood stove due to a lack of funds or building limitations. So here are some tips to remember that could help you make it through.

1. While keeping yourself active or shivering does warm you up beware that more calories are used as well.  Store non perishable food in your house. Enough for at least three months. This is something you should do for any disaster preparedness, but you can’t get enough from Costco in one trip. Avoid the chaos of a last minute store run and stay home with your family. Acquiring one last bag of groceries is a short term solution to a long term problem.

2. Seal off one room in your house to consolidate heat. Obviously the room that has a fireplace is the best idea, but if you don’t have one then a space heater powered by a battery or generator would work. Also seal off any unused rooms with cloth and tape. You can also seal off windows using cardboard and duct tape. Every little bit helps.   

3. Blankets and warm drinks. With your rocket stove (outside) warm up water and drink it warm. Wearing layers and wrapping yourself in blankets is also a great way to keep warm.

4. One last trick that works in winter and summer is to open your windows for a portion of the day. Depending on where you live and how much the outside temperature fluctuates you can let the warmer outside air of the day in and trap it for the night. Keep your eye on the thermometer and when the degrees start dipping close and seal them up.

5. Books and games. Without facebook and netflix you will get bored. Keeping your mind busy and distracted will raise morale and help the long cold winter days pass by faster. 

            Yes we love our modern conveniences, but don’t forget that exposure to the elements will be one of the leading causes of death when disaster strikes. Make some preparations now to increase home efficiency and stock up on the supplies you need, for I tell you the truth: Winter is Coming…

The Reality of Survival

starting fire

The Reality of Survival

David Stark

Resilient Living- Founder

  Hollywood has entertained us for generations and given us beautiful virtual possibilities in which to dream and aspire to achieve. As we pontificate on the possibilities of an advanced world we do not see the unreachable but discover new horizons to aim for and conquer. The next milestone of discovery and adventure awaits us and the only thing that limits us is what we believe can and will happen.

   Many creative minds through the ages have shown us what the apocalypse could look like. From zombies to asteroids to storms of Biblical proportions our collective created fears jumble together and we weave all the possible world ending events into the back corner or our brains and hope nothing catastrophic will ever come to pass. The problem is that as we age we start to see our future in different ways depending on what we believe and what trials we have overcome. Strengths developed and fears realized as we come to understand and respect the volatility of our world. So that leads us into believing in one of two ways. We either believe that humans have progressed beyond hate and disasters don’t happen or that we will someday destroy ourselves through manipulations of diseases, civil conflicts, or maybe even allowing our own intelligent creations to judge us inferior and take us out.

  The facts are unfortunately pointing in the direction of destruction in every way and yet many Americans believe in nirvana. A socialist utopia where all men are equal and nature controllable. Which may be an ideal worth fighting for but realistically not possible. There is only one place that I believe that kind of universal peace can exist, but that is not this world. History has shown us that time and time again that humans cannot obtain peace through treaties but only through domination. And the sad truth is that today many rockets are firing, nukes are on standby, subterranean plates are shifting, sun spots are disappearing and hate based in fear and ignorance abounds.

  In response to these facts and after several near death trials myself I believe I can help. My mission is to preemptively save lives and help as many people as possible become resilient no matter the circumstances.    

  So what everything really comes down to is belief. Do you believe that the world is not as stable as we’d like? If yes then do you believe that you should actually do something to become more resilient and acquire the resources you need to protect your family? If yes again then contact me. If not, then cherish every minute of peace you can find and remember the name Resilient Living for the day when you fully embrace the reality of survival.

The Official Invite

Official Invitation to the Resilient Living Lunch Seminar

Resilient Living has constructed an efficient and affective path to help members take advantage of full spectrum survival strategies. Living a resilient life is so much more than trying to eat healthy and contributing to a 401k.

We have interviewed many people of diverse demographics about what their plans would be in reaction to a large negative event and by far the most common answers we get are suicidal or violent.

In response to these hopeless answers we’re on mission to help as many people as possible learn to think proactively and fortify their ability to survive and thrive despite the worst circumstances. We invite you to join us for a buffet lunch and seminar. This seminar will include information of how we aim to help you prepare for the unknown, identify weaknesses in your current plan, increase health, reduce debt, and ultimately sleep better with increased peace of mind.

Please join us at : Mizumi Buffet
Address : 13500 SW Pacific Hwy #17, Tigard, OR 97223
Time : 11:30 am – 2 pm    Saturday    March 9th
Charge : Free (Seats limited to 25 people – RSVP reserves one seat)
*Feel free to invite someone you would describe as proactive.

RSVP: Please send an email with names and number of seats to be reserved:


11:30am – Arrive, find your seat and get your first plate or two.

12pm. – Seminar begins

Resilient Living Seminar Part I

            – RL Introduction, Full Spectrum Survival, Defining The Problem 

            –  10 min break to get another plate or dessert   

Resilient Living Seminar Part II

         – Finding The Solution For Your Family

         – Affiliate Network Explained – Special Affiliate Highlight: Melaleuca

         – Stay Connected, Become Proactive

2pm – Estimated finish time

Please feel free to remain after the seminar to ask questions, eat and network.

Please Note:

Dress will be business casual and will be for adults only. If you cannot attend due to childcare limitations or other restrictions we will happily schedule for a free consultation at a time that works better for you.    You need only bring your appetite and note taking material.

“Helping you achieve your Resiliency goals”

David Stark

Founder – Resilient Living LLC

Author – The Tour Guide

www. Resilient Living




How Nano-Silver kills viruses

As you all know there’s been a lot of talk and fear about the quick spreading measles virus. I’d like to share some interesting information about silver, specifically nano silver solution, and how it combats viruses and bacteria. It’s relevant and could make a big difference for you and your family.

Silver creates an environment that is inhospitable to germs. They simply can’t reproduce or survive. Now there is a way to get that protection into your blood and through out your body. Nano silver sol is the next generation technology taking the place of colloidal silver. The molecular structure is AG4O4 which is a permanently bonded structure with a resonant frequency similar to ultraviolet light. This allows it to steal electrons from viruses and bacteria as it goes through your system. This leaves the virus dead and then you body flushes the virus and silver out. Nano silver doesn’t hurt good bacteria due to the thickness of the cell walls of stomach bacteria. Suggested use is to ingest daily and diffuse while you sleep to give your body a fighting chance to stop the virus before it sets in or at least reduce recovery time.

Visit my website main page to watch a 7min video that could save your life.