The Reality of Survival

The Reality of Survival

David Stark

Resilient Living- Founder

  Hollywood has entertained us for generations and given us beautiful virtual possibilities in which to dream and aspire to achieve. As we pontificate on the possibilities of an advanced world we do not see the unreachable but discover new horizons to aim for and conquer. The next milestone of discovery and adventure awaits us and the only thing that limits us is what we believe can and will happen.

   Many creative minds through the ages have shown us what the apocalypse could look like. From zombies to asteroids to storms of Biblical proportions our collective created fears jumble together and we weave all the possible world ending events into the back corner or our brains and hope nothing catastrophic will ever come to pass. The problem is that as we age we start to see our future in different ways depending on what we believe and what trials we have overcome. Strengths developed and fears realized as we come to understand and respect the volatility of our world. So that leads us into believing in one of two ways. We either believe that humans have progressed beyond hate and disasters don’t happen or that we will someday destroy ourselves through manipulations of diseases, civil conflicts, or maybe even allowing our own intelligent creations to judge us inferior and take us out.

  The facts are unfortunately pointing in the direction of destruction in every way and yet many Americans believe in nirvana. A socialist utopia where all men are equal and nature controllable. Which may be an ideal worth fighting for but realistically not possible. There is only one place that I believe that kind of universal peace can exist, but that is not this world. History has shown us that time and time again that humans cannot obtain peace through treaties but only through domination. And the sad truth is that today many rockets are firing, nukes are on standby, subterranean plates are shifting, sun spots are disappearing and hate based in fear and ignorance abounds.

  In response to these facts and after several near death trials myself I believe I can help. My mission is to preemptively save lives and help as many people as possible become resilient no matter the circumstances.    

  So what everything really comes down to is belief. Do you believe that the world is not as stable as we’d like? If yes then do you believe that you should actually do something to become more resilient and acquire the resources you need to protect your family? If yes again then contact me. If not, then cherish every minute of peace you can find and remember the name Resilient Living for the day when you fully embrace the reality of survival.

One Reply to “The Reality of Survival”

  1. You say remember Resilient Living@the end of your blog. I wonder if a statement saying when things hit the fan RL may not be able to help you. Now is the time to act . Good blog though.

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