Physical Preparedness

We have discussed many factors that contribute to your resiliency, but if you don’t have your health you have nothing. It is easy to buy gear and watch educational videos but keeping up discipline in order to build physical strength is not easy. There are plenty of excuses such as having no time, not knowing how to work out, and simply not motivated. All can be overcome if you truly understand how important pushing yourself beyond comfort zones is what generates resiliency in every arena of life.

Survival of the Fittest

The survival law of nature states that only the strongest will survive. When a disaster comes that forces you out of your home with your bug-out-bag strapped to your back you will be glad that you had been working out. You may need to carry children, climb through heavily damaged environments and even fight to the death. Excuses of laziness will not help you, but fitness will.


Building strength is more than doing push-ups. If you have no experience in a gym we recommend hiring a personal trainer. They aren’t that expensive and exercising without proper technique may result in injury which in turn costs you more money and time.

Here are a few steps to getting a good workout:

  1. Warm up – Jog for a short time in order to get muscles warm and blood moving.
  2. Stretch – Stretching is under appreciated, especially by men. Most injuries are caused by shortened/ tight tendons and ligaments. Stretch every muscle you can find every day.
  3. Start off slow – Maxing out will insure soreness and kills motivation. Ease in to your work out regiment with low weight circuit training to get conditioned.
  4. Range of motion/ form – When lifting, proper form will guard against injury. Extend all the way out and back to access the full range of motion each muscle can move.
  5. Increase weight and muscles groups – As you get stronger try different work outs and add more weight. If you don’t increase you won’t grow.
  6. Cardio – Your heart is a muscle and getting your heart rate up for long periods of time will increase your stamina and general health. Sweating is also good for you. It expels toxins and also releases positive endorphins.
  7. Rest and recover – It is important to let your muscles rest between workouts. Also eat protein after each workout or take a protein supplement. Drinking a lot of water is important as well.

Immune system

It is important to remember that if you don’t use it then you lose it. Repeating steps 1 through 7 in the previous section will boost your immune system and add years of vitality. Get your blood moving at least once per week. Stagnant blood is not healthy blood.

It is vitally important that you keep your immune system up in a disaster situation. Most of us rest easy knowing there is a doctor on call at all times, but that won’t always be true. Having shelter is the first step to keeping your body heat up and out of the weather. Second. Wounds as simple as cuts can get infected and lead to blood poisoning and death. A strong immune system can help fight off injuries but having a knowledge of first aid will save your life. (Emergency preparedness) Third, having proper nutrition and amounts of water will keep your body functioning. Beware of drinking contaminated water. No matter how thirsty you may be getting sick on bad water will destroy your immune system and quickly lead to death. Pathogens will become more of a concern in these situations which is why we strongly recommend having a supply of nano-silver sol. It kills bacteria, viruses and mold. It can also purify water. It is a simple yet amazing technology that you shouldn’t be caught without.

(Buy Nano-silver Sol)

Food just isn’t what it used to be and having a supply of high absorption rate vitamin and mineral supplements is strongly recommended. The soil and produce of our day is not as rich as it once was. Our diets, likely for most of us, are not as green as they should be. So making up the balance with supplementing is vital to building resiliency.

You must carefully consider the brand of vitamins you get. Many are worthless and much of what is listed on the back of the bottle doesn’t actually absorb into your blood stream. We can offer access to our members to an exclusive wellness shopping club that has patented multi vitamins that are proven to have the highest absorption rate known to man. Learn more about in Category 3 of our shop.

Essential oils and green products

We see Essential Oils as something that will benefit you in many ways. We have researched the best quality (purity), availability and pricing. We would be happy to help you learn more about what nature can do when we unlock the gifts within.

Cancer is on a rise in our society over the last hundred years for many reasons. One main cause of cell corruption is the toxins you ingest and inhale on a daily basis. Carcinogens in the products you use break down cellular structure in the body, which often causes mutation. A major dose of any poison could kill you quickly. Why spread it all over your house and body? Most of the popular grocery store brands have known toxins in them and yet they are still sold and used daily by millions. What you don’t know can absolutely hurt you.

Resilient Living has partnered with the best supplier of essential oils, dietary supplements, and green products. The health and wellness page will connect you to our wellness consultant who will tell you more about cleaning out your bodies and homes.


Without prescription eye glass shops in existence you may lose your sight which could cause your death. Get your eyes fixed if you can or at least buy an updated and sturdy spare or two.

Keep your teeth clean. Dentistry will turn into hammers and pliers if you let your teeth go. Swishing nano-silver will help keep germs from growing in your mouth. If you can keep the liquid in without swallowing then swish for 6 minutes for best results.

Skin conditions, rashes, and infections will result with prolonged times of being dirty. Itching is not something you need to deal with when running for your life or planting food. Have plenty of water on hand and a year round water source to remain clean. Stock up on good soap.

Feminine hygiene and contraceptives should also be stocked up on. You may want to avoid getting pregnant until things settle a bit and until then think about what you would have to use once you ran out of your favorite modern conveniences.

RL Recommendation:

Wash your self with one gallon of water for the experience of bathing efficiently. Then imagine how bad you would smell if you had no water at all.

Emotional and Spiritual Preparedness ->