Government Preparedness Resources

 FEMA buildingAmerican Red Cross CDC

The federal government has started to promote awareness of basic emergency preparedness over the past several years in response to several national and international disasters. Often times those impacted by these incidents find themselves without access to the most basic of supplies: food, water, shelter, fire, and medicine for extended periods. Often it has taken weeks for outside help to reach the majority of impacted, and even longer for utilities to be restored.

Below you will find links to a distillation of governmental, expert and personal recommendations for emergency preparedness courtesy of Resilient Living, LLC. These links are aimed at simplifying your search for a truly resilient checklist of considerations should the unexpected happen. Several government and non-profit sites are linked to provide information on the dangers in your area, what basic supplies you may need, and outline the importance of developing a comprehensive plan for keeping you, your family, and your community resilient through the weeks following a disaster.

Government/Red-Cross Resources:


CDC  (

American Red Cross (

CERT victim carry

CERT Training:

If you are interested in learning more about potential disasters in your area we at Resilient Living highly recommend you join your local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Here you will receive official training by your local government detailing not only the potential disasters in your area, but also how to prepare and respond to them in a manor that strengthens your community. There is no commitment by undergoing this training, at the very least you will leave the program more knowledgeable and resilient then when you came in. Also, a good way to meet like-minded people in your area.


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