The Path to Resilient Living

At Resilient Living, LLC our ultimate goal is to make it as easy as possible for our community to start on the path towards resiliency and self-sufficiency. There is a lot of information out there and our hope is that you can capitalize on our time and efforts for your own betterment.

We also understand that getting started can not only be confusing and overwhelming, but also expensive. What to get, how much to get, where to get quality material, what should you prioritize? These questions all add to the procrastination of getting started.

To help alleviate some of these concerns we have developed a step by step path that will help you get started. With it we hope to enable our community to more effectively and efficiently obtain the knowledge and materials they need to start down the path of resilient living. It will take some time for you read through the five steps and to begin acquiring essential supplies and knowledge. We recommend that you take your time and really think about the basics we outline for you, for there is much more to learn and much more at stake than you may want to realize.

Before we walk you through a step by step path to resiliency there are four main survival aspects you must consider to becoming truly resilient and a knowledge of the law of 3’s.

4 Survival Aspects

  • You cannot survive without knowledge.
  • You cannot survive without resources.
  • You cannot survive alone.
  • You cannot survive without hope.

Law of 3’s

  • 3 minutes without Air
  • 3 days without Water
  • 3 weeks without Food

The Five Step Path to Resilient Living

Step One: What Ifs

volcano and town

Why prepare?

What events could dramatically change your life in an instant?

I recommend you read through the “What Ifs” section and gain a knowledge of what we Earthlings are up against.

Go to Step One

Step Two: Be ready to leave

Community hiking

There are many scenarios in which you might need to leave your house in seconds or minutes at best. You are probably in somewhat of panic and won’t be able to grab all the bare essentials you need to survive for days or weeks away from home. Learn how to start building your evacuation kit and update it over time as you learn more.

Go to Step Two

Step Three: Be ready to stay


In most emergencies your home is the only place to wait. Without utilities or grocery stores how long can you last?

Go to Step Three

Step Four: Knowledge is power


The knowledge you have locked away in your brain when your connection to Google dies is your main defense and asset in a world of chaos. It is advisable to start getting familiar with a wide variety of practical skills, but we suggest to hone in on one or two that you can make your expertise.

External Education Community

Go to Step Four

Step Five: The ultimate goal

fists together

What are we aiming for when it comes to Resiliency? Health, Wealth, Wisdom and Peace of Mind await those who join us in seeking a more secure and vibrant tomorrow.

Go to Step Five

Take your first step – What Ifs ->