Do this Now! – Corona Virus effects more than lungs.

I would like to let those who care about their families know what to do next. With China’s economy about to collapse due to the corona virus shutting down their import and exports we can be sure to see things change. China makes a huge amount of our products and supplies many American companies with components. Whether it be bottles or boxes or raw materials, China is integral for America’s economy to run like it has for the last few decades.

Everything is about to get a lot more expensive. Supply and demand will no longer have an equilibrium. Things like toilet paper rationing and food shortage purchase limits will be in our future.  

I highly recommend that you go to the store and buy all the things you would rather not pay double for. Or ten times the amount. Razors, soap, food and anything else made, or affected by the “made in china” labels we often find on the back of boxes.

This is not a joke. This is not a test. This is real. Real people are dieing and real supplies of clean water and basic needs may become worth more than your 401k.

Please go to this website and do everything suggested to you. If you Do, you will have a chance to survive for months or years longer than everyone else. If you don’t…
