Gardening Resources

Whether you’ve just started to garden, have a slight green thumb, or have chlorophyll in your veins, it’s always good to learn from the methods and efforts of others! Below you will find several sites and multi-media channels that provide high quality, educational information on how to start or improve your garden!

We recommend that you start gardening today to learn what works while taking full advantage of the internet. We also strongly recommend that you pick up some books for when the internet can no longer help you. We have a few book recommendations in our store, but there are hundreds out there. Get books for every aspect of survival.

One Yard Revolution

Excellent quality and information dense videos on most all you need to know for your backyard gardening. Much of the Patrick’s work is based on optimizing his yards output with a minimum amount of effort. To this end he spends a fair portion of his time trying new things to see what works best, providing an opportunity for us to learn from his efforts.

Suburban Homestead

A relatively new channel, which makes it perfect to pick up on from the start! Enjoy the fun style of story telling as he builds garden beds, grows his own foods and herbs, and battles a ground hog! Includes several wonderful DIY videos as well.


An engaging channel of a Englishmen managing his allotment. There is a little bit of everything for an aspiring gardener to enjoy in the form of tips and tricks galore! Watch yourself getting entranced as he tries new things and pushes ever harder to grow his show crops bigger and better.


An informative and varied channel covering everything from gardening, Aquaponics, sustainable agriculture, food preservation and DIYs. Though often long winded, you will almost certainly find a little something interesting at growing your own greens!


Grow Anything

A wonderfully comprehensive guide on how to grow… well… Anything! Flowers, fruits, vegetables, herbs, Soil preparation and maintenance, pest control, weeding methods, bed preparation, It is ALL here!


A site promoting the use of re-used material and permaculture concepts. A Forum based site with a lot of community driven experimentation and knowledge. While the items of interest are well categorized it can be still be tricky to find what your looking for, but it is very often worth the effort! Take a dive and see what you can find!

Mother Earth News

An excellent source for gardening, green energy/homes and homesteading information. Sign up for their publications and news letters for exceptional quality and informative information on the aforementioned topics.

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