Emotional and Spiritual Preparedness

It is hard for most people to believe that anything bad could happen. Or at least to them. A world of chaos, disasters, wars and the like come more often than most people realize, and we are overdue for something big. Normalcy bias runs thick in America, but what you don’t know can definitely hurt you. And what you believe in will keep you alive.  (What If’s)

We have heard from many people that they would rather die then have to live in a world like that. Often from the fathers/ protectors of the family. It makes us sad and a little angry when we hear them say that and they may want death, but is that what the entire family wants? Whose responsibility is it to keep your family alive?


Post dramatic stress disorder affects thousands of soldiers who return home from war. They experience horrific things that no one should have to bear. So, after taking the right steps in preparing in every other way getting your mind right and ready will be the biggest challenge. You may have to witness death. Maybe even cause death when the world falls. Hollywood has desensitized us and romanticized violence and disasters, but when you are in the thick of it your mental fortitude may be at risk. Everyone has a breaking point and yours may come sooner than you might think. Yet thinking is becoming a lost art in a world of digital distraction and constant busyness. We recommend that you take some serious time to think and decide what you will do in dangerous situations now. If you plan to be proactive instead of reactive then your resiliency will greatly increase.

Don’t buy a gun for protection if you don’t mentally prepare yourself for actually using it. If you present a gun and freeze without using it, you may likely get shot by your own weapon. Statistics show that people are quite often killed by their own weapons due to slow reaction times and lack of follow through. Do everything in your power to avoid confrontation, but don’t hesitate when that moment comes.

It is also extremely important that you talk to your family about why to prepare and practice bugging out. Also, to have a detailed plan for where to meet up and what to do in case of emergency. Having a plan of action will greatly reduce fear and confusion in times of chaos.


There is more to our world than what we can see and touch. You may be the most physically equipped and well-read person on earth, but death is inevitable for us all and the most likely outcome for a lot of us during a catastrophic event. Clinging to what you believe in and having hope that runs deep will get you through when all else fails.

Lacking a fear of death is a powerful tool when presented with treacherous times. If you are the one who remains calm and then reaches out in love in those days, you will be able to lead people into the kingdom of peace and freely give truth to those who seek eternal security.


The hearts of man are easily taken over by evil. And much evil will be seen when law and order break down. There are millions of anarchists who can’t wait for that day, but what really drives them? How far will they go to survive?

Will you join them or stand against evil in those times holding fast to your honor and morals?

Those are not the people you want to be bumping elbows with at the grocery store on the day the whole world learns it will never be restocked again. Please instead go home. Take out your resiliency supplies and locate your loved ones. Don’t go into the chaos seeking a temporary solution to a long term problem.

Become a client of Resilient Living and let’s learn together how to best avoid inevitable events. Our biggest goal at RL is to offset the wrath of a reactive society and aid the proactive people who want to survive. Peace of mind.

What we do in life echoes in eternity!

“The Tour Guide”

“This book is a true and inspirational story of adventure that will entertain and educate you while on your journey to spiritual and emotional resiliency.” *note: if link is broken, turn off ad blocker

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